Here you will find the latest news related to our club, from our Instagram page to the releases in which we appear in the media in general. Good viewing!
Renowned for its excellent results, Omer has been the subject of numerous reports since its beggining, in addition of having distinguished itself internationally. Here are a few examples:
In 2009, a Radio-Canada team followed the Omer 7 competition
In February 2010, it was the American chain Discovery Chanel which produced a report on the team's first pool tests of the time.
in 2011, a Thalassa team followed Omer 8 during the Bethesda competition.
In 2012, Omer 6 was sent to France to participate in the Futurotextiles exhibition.
In 2015, two club members spoke about the project on the program '' Techno for all '' on the Silver network of the TVA Nouvelles channel.
In 2017, a kiosk was dedicated to Omer X submarine during EXPO 2017 in Kazakhstan with the theme '' The energy of the future ''
In 2018, Omer X was invited to participate in the Génial! broadcast on Télé-Québec